Monthly Archives: May 2007

Weight Loss Programs

Weight Loss programs will always be more efficient when the program combines the two components of nutrition and exercise.

Nutrition involves the stuff we put into our mouthes to sustain us. Good programs will help the individuals to make small changes that will lead to big results. Nutritional changes can take the form of teaching portion control to teaching about the quality of foods that we consume.

The second component which will help you to be more effective with the results of your weight loss program, is Exercise. Exercise does not necessarily mean running a marathon or even doing things that are physically strenuous. Of course, the more physical activity you get, the more calories you are going to burn. This might be taking the stairs instead of the elevator or walking to places that are close by instead of driving. When beginning to exercise, gradually increase the amount of physical activity slowly to avoid injury.

Before undertaking any life changing program, make sure you do your home work or due dilligence, and consult with medical professionals before beginning any weight loss program.

Helpful links weight loss related resources:

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Filed under Nutrition, Uncategorized, Weight Loss

Weight Loss Products

The weight loss product industry is a huge market that is growing exponentially. Our society is going through an epidemic of obesity. With our improved technology, comes a less physical life style that results in ever increasing waist lines. Consumers have many choices about what products to choose for weight loss. I actually do marketing for a product weight loss shake which can be purchased from You can read about the shakes in in an article on the blog entitled Green Tea Weight Loss from

Other weightloss resources:


Filed under Health, Nutrition, Real Estate Resources, Weight Loss