Real Estate Resources

Real Estate Resources page of sites that are simply real estate resources of one kind or another, to include but not limited to directories with real estate categories, real estate listing pages, or blogs about real estate. If you happen to know of a real estate related site that should be on the list, leave a comment, and I will see what I can do. Many of the sites listed but not all are partner websites. Any real estate related partnerships will be considered, to include site reviews on this site or an other real estate related site and listings on this Real Estate Resources page.


Filed under Real Estate, Real Estate Resources

3 responses to “Real Estate Resources

  1. Pingback: Shopping for Real Estate Products « My Shopping Resources

  2. Hello,

    I’ve been keeping up a blog entitled Foreclosure Flipper, which has chronicled my own flipping / real estate market research efforts in the past month or so. I would love it if you considered including my blog in your real estate resources list. Thank you for your time.

    – FF

  3. bbclp

    Interesting blog! I operate a Contract Loan Processing Agency and was surfing around for ideas to create blogs in Word Press for Real Estates Agents in Texas wanting to develop a niche product such as assisting buyers wanting to purchase bank owned properties, which brought me to yours.

    If I can ever be of assistance with a mortgage question feel free to contract me. I have over 30 years experience as an FHA Underwriter and always available to answer questions a Real Estate Agent might have when the contract is going south due to the financing and can offer any recommendations that might save your deal.

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